Sabtu, 04 April 2009

When Will Low Fat Diets Go Away?

by James B. LaValle 06/03/2008
For the average person, the changes we’ve seen as to how diet contributes to heart disease have been interesting, but for many people they have also been exhausting and confusing.
For two decades we were taught that diets high in fat and cholesterol contribute to heart disease; this teaching has been dubbed the “diet-heart hypothesis.” Low fat diets were recommended by every large health organization, and people adopted the low fat way of life. There was only one problem — heart disease rates did not drop. They continued to climb.
Over the years, the diet-heart hypothesis has been crumbling one wall at a time. First, we learned that only one type of fat clearly contributes to heart disease, and that some oils even have health benefits. So trans-fats are out and olive oil is in.
Then, newer studies showed that eating dietary cholesterol does not have a significant impact on raising cholesterol in the blood, which is still considered a risk factor for heart disease.1 So we are “allowed” to eat eggs and shrimp again. So far, most of you are still on board and rolling with the punches.
In the meantime, low-carb diets held some serious surprises. People did not want to believe it at first, but low-carb diets showed they do indeed lower risks of heart disease and diabetes. Longer-term studies have even shown no deleterious effects from them, despite the higher animal protein, saturated fat, and cholesterol intake.2-4
In fact, low-carb diets are the primary reason that the whole saturated fat and cholesterol ideas have pretty much collapsed. Low-carb diets have been studied now from nearly every angle, and what is consistently seen is that low carb diets — even though they are higher in saturated fat and cholesterol — lower risk of heart disease and even diabetes, a disease that greatly increases risk of heart disease.
What concerns me however, is that despite evidence to the contrary, and despite the urging of the most prominent researchers in this area, the American Heart Association (AHA) still has not changed its dietary guidelines; they still recommend lowering one’s intake of saturated fat and cholesterol to lower risk of heart disease.5
Because we have not yet had a paradigm change on this by the AHA, most practitioners hold back from recommending a low-carb diet and continue to instead recommend a low-fat diet. And this creates a lot of confusion for the average person who is just trying to decide what they should really be doing.
While all of this may be tiring for you to keep track of, the progression of information has actually been extremely helpful in defining what REALLY causes heart disease — and that is inflammation. Therefore, anything that increases inflammation in the body, like insulin, caused by high-carb diets is the real risk factor for heart disease.
When it comes to diet and heart disease, consumers need to rest assured in the fact that the best diet for prevention of heart disease is one that is lower in carbs, but high in dietary antioxidants. The only fat to concern yourself with, is trans-fat. I no longer advise lowering intake of cholesterol.
But what about saturated fat? I can tell you that clinically, I do not find saturated fat to be a factor in elevated cholesterol, even “bad” LDL cholesterol. In fact, almost all of my clients experience improved lipid profiles by lowering carb intake, not saturated fat.
Over the past few years, I have seen conflicting headlines and messages about saturated fat. As the one remaining factor in the debate on diet and heart disease, saturated fat deserves our time and attention.
In my next article I will discuss where the science is now, and what we will need to keep our eye on when it comes to saturated fat.
1. Fernandez ML. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2006;9:8-12.
2. Joshipura K, et al. Public Health Nutr. 2008 Apr 15:1-7.
3. Halton TL et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Feb;87(2):339-46.
4. Luscombe-Marsh, N et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2005 81:773-779.
[Ed. Note: Jim LaValle is an educator, clinician and industry consultant in the field of integrative healthcare. He is a licensed pharmacist, board certified clinical nutritionist and doctor of naturopathic medicine with more than 20 years clinical practice experience in the field of natural therapeutics and functional medicine. Named one of the "50 Most Influential Druggists" by American Druggist for his work in natural medicine, LaValle has authored 13 books, including his latest, Cracking the Metabolic Code. For more information, click here.]

Five Reasons Why You Should Lose the Cardio Mentality

by Craig Ballantyne 04/03/2009

“Cardio” is the “Economic Stimulus Bill” of the fitness world. You can put your hopes in it, but generally it isn’t going to do anything for you, and it will just waste your time and resources.

Most people don’t realize that there was “life before cardio”. People used to exercise outdoors. They participated in sports. They played games — outside! — with their family and friends. They used their feet or bicycles for transportation (rather than driving 15 minutes to the gym to go do “cardio“).

So here are the top 5 reasons why you should lose the “cardio” mentality

1. No One Likes Doing “Cardio”

The biggest reason to drop cardio is because you hate doing it! Have you ever met a person who smiled when they said, “Oh, I have to go do cardio now.” (That’s not the same as the excitement an endurance athlete gets when they go “training”. That’s different from “cardio”. Endurance athletes don’t call their workouts, “cardio”.)

However, if you are a runner, and you love to run, and you tell me (with a smile), “I’m going out for a run”, then that’s cool by me. There is nothing wrong with that — that’s not the type of cardio I’m talking about. But if don’t like to run, and you tell me (with a depressed look on your face), “I’m going out for a run because I have to do my cardio”, then I say, “Forget that!” Life’s too short to hate your workouts!

2. Cardio Isn’t Great for Fat Loss Anyway

The second reason to drop the cardio mentality is because people put too much faith in the ability of cardio to burn fat. Most folks in the gym think 30 minutes of moderate cardio will help them lose weight.

But it won’t. It just wastes their time. People are obsessed with the calorie counters on machines. I truly believe this is how folks get hooked and obsessive compulsive with cardio… because all they can think about is how many calories they have burned, and how much food that means they can eat. The “Cardio Mentality” does not promote healthy relationships with food, so drop it!

3. There’s More to Health than Using Cardio Machines

People think you have to “cardio” (i.e., go to a gym and exercise on a machine that doesn’t go anywhere) for 30 minutes in order to be healthy. But that’s false. You don’t have to use “cardio machines” to be healthy. There is so much more to health than 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer. And too much cardio can even lead to overuse injuries.1

First of all, your diet is more important for your cardiovascular health than your exercise regime. Plus, as long as you’re active each day (doing manual labor, playing sports, or lifting weights), you’re doing enough to meet the minimum required amount of exercise for cardiovascular health.

4. “Cardio” is an Ineffective Way to Train for Sports

Guys are notoriously guilty of believing “long, slow cardio” will help them with sports performance or their short, burst fitness (like climbing stairs). It rarely does.

In fact, the guy who does “cardio” in preparation for his basketball, soccer, hockey, or Ultimate Frisbee league is going to be sorely disappointed by how slow he is — and by how he lacks sports-specific fitness as much as all the guys who just lifted weights off-season. Plus, doing traditional “machine cardio” does not prepare you for sports-specific movements or speed of movement, so you’re just as likely — if not more likely — to get injured during the early season.

5. “Cardio” is a Waste of Time

The “cardio mentality” signifies a waste of time, inefficiency, and a sheep-like mentality towards doing something just because everyone else is doing it. Seriously, if you were from another planet and you came down to earth and went into a big commercial gym and looked at the “cardio” section, pardon me, the “cardio theater” section, you’d smile to yourself and say, “wow, this planet is going to be easy pickings”.

“Cardio” is also lame because people use cardio as a time to catch up on their magazine reading and TV watching (and now Internet and email time). That says it all. Workout time is not multi-task time. So what should you be doing instead if you want to sculpt your body, burn fat, lose your belly, and get lean before summer?

You should skip the “cardio” (let’s not ever use that phrase again) and focus on total-body, multi-muscle resistance training and interval training exercises to help you build “everyday” strength and fitness (like the ability to carry groceries or children, or climb 3 flights of stairs as fast as possible).2

Plus, with total body workouts, you’ll save time and get more health benefits than you will with straight “cardio”. (Sorry to use that term again.)

Forget about doing long, slow boring cardio workouts that you despise, and start getting more results in less workout time today.

Take a deep breath and say, “Cardio is not that important.” That’s the first step to getting rid of the obsessive cardio mentality that makes people hate exercise. Second, put some fun back into your workouts. Discover short-burst total body workouts that you only have to do three times per week and then recruit your friends to support you. You’ll lose fat faster than ever this year.



[Ed. Note: Craig Ballantyne is an expert consultant for Men's Health magazine. If you're looking to burn fat, build muscle and quickly step into the body you have always wanted with just three workouts each week, check out Craig's fat-loss system, Turbulence Training for Fat Loss.]

How To Lose The Pooch Belly- Removing the Belly Bulge

by: Gary Cheung

It would not be wrong to say that half the people in the entire world suffer from the problem of obesity and excess weight. With the modern lifestyle becoming increasingly becoming static and no physical activity, a large number of people including youngsters below 30 years of age are becoming obese. It is observed that obese people normally have an out of shape belly. Both, men and women have a common tendency of developing a large and protruding tummy. This is due to an increasing concentration of fats near the stomach area. There are several exclusive exercises which are essential for removing this bulging belly.

Steps to Lessen a Bulging Belly

There are many steps which can be successfully implemented to reduce a swollen tummy. These steps are actually known to the people, but since they are difficult to follow they are not very much implemented. The first step is to exercise perfectly and follow the exclusive stomach exercises. These exercises include brisk walking, sit-ups and abdominal crunches. Brisk walking is a great way to regulate body metabolism and burn excess fats especially belly fats. Sit-ups and abdominal crunches do not actually help in burning excess fats but are essential in strengthening abdominal muscles and flattening the bulge. Belly flattening exercises need not always be well defined. Even some normal household work and chores are great belly exercises. Work like gardening and other work which involves physical activities like bending, lifting, twisting etc are all great exercises for flattening the belly bulge.

To lessen excess belly fats and flatten the tummy, the individuals must be very careful of their diet. They must refrain from eating fatty and high calorie foodstuffs. They must strictly have a diet which contains lots of fresh and green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and less oily substances. They must avoid sweets and keep it to a minimal. Individuals must avoid desserts, creamy and fried foodstuffs. These are the main causes for developing belly pouch and thus must be avoided at all costs. Excess sugar is the most important reason for developing a large tummy and hence sugars must be kept at a low minimum.

A reason given lately for people developing a belly pouch is the stress which has become so much a part of the modern lifestyle. It is a bit difficult to believe, but stress is a cause for obesity and developing large tummy. Increase in stress results in an increase in the level of hormone called cortisol which is responsible for developing excess and unwanted belly fats. Individuals must try to reduce stress levels and involve themselves in healthy physical activities, stress busters and recreational activities.

Signing Off

Generally when people become fat it is the belly that goes out of shape. It makes the entire body form is disturbed and it looks very ugly too. Thus when individuals begin to develop even a little bit of belly pouch, they must immediately take steps to flatten and have a regular exercise regime.

About The Author
Gary Cheung is fitness professional in New York City. He has helped many people change their lives. He currently runs a free informational website on weight loss. Please visit:

Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

Low Fat Fallacy

By Jim Foster

I guess we all know that obesity is at epidemic levels. It's drummed into us from all angles. Isn't it strange that we have the biggest range of low-fat foods available but we keep getting fatter?

Isn't somebody going to stand up and say "It hasn't worked"?

In the 70's and 80's we were told that fat was the enemy, and carbohydrates were good. The USDA Healthy Food Pyramid had carbs as the base (6-11 servings per day). There was however, little mention of the quality of these carbohydrates.

Manufacturers were quick to respond, and began bringing out "Low Fat", "Fat-Free", and "Lite" versions of various food products. These are generally the biggest selling items, and have resulted in lot's of clever marketing tactics - in fact anything to make the consumer feel guilty, and look for the "Fat-Free" option.

Milk - Is Whole Milk Really That Bad?

Most of our modern milk undergoes the process of homogenisation. This process forces the fat globules into an atomiser (i.e. tiny holes) that will form tiny particles. These particles are then evenly dispersed throughout the milk, giving the milk a uniform appearance. Most of our low fat, trim, super-trim milks are created using this process.

However, recent research has shown that structural changes do occur in the homogenisation process. In unhomogenised milk, an enzyme called xanthine oxidase would pass throught the digestive system, and be secreted harmlessly through the bowel. The homogenisation process allows this enzyme to enter the bloodstream.

Some researchers are saying the enzyme attacks the issues of our heart and arteries, encouranging an increase in cholesterol levels!

Low Fat Hasn't Worked

The evidence of the last twenty years, is showing us that just choosing a low-fat version of a food is not helping us lose weight. In fact, we need to question, the processes that go on to make certain foods "low fat".

Many blame a high amount of refined carbohydrates (white flours, sugars) as having an impact on our weight problem.

Why Are We So Fat?

More and more evidence is showing that we eat too much, and exercise too little. Our lifestyles are very sedentary, and portion size has increased. The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) has concluded that "we eat a lot – a whole lot more than we used to, and most of the increase comes from refined carbohydrates (sugar)."

In the 1970's the average person ate 136 pounds of flour and cereal products per year and now it's up to 200 pounds. The increase is almost all from processed, white flour, high sugar foods. In addition, everything has been super-sized. Example: 1955 McDonald's French fries – 2.4 ounces, 210 calories. 2004 Super size Fries – 7 ounces, 610 calories.

What's The Answer?

Don't get too hung up complex nutrient ratios told to you by the latest diet book. You need to find what works for you and your body. It's a process of trial and error. Start with a diet, then keep working at it until you find what is best for you and your health.

Try to eat whole unprocessed food where possible, and eat little and often to regulate your energy levels. Go easy on all the refined foods - it's hard - because everywhere you go - most of the food is made from cheap refined flours and base products.

Also try to get out and stretch your legs more often. is a resource for everything concerning losing weight. Independent reviews of popular diets, free diet plans, and articles taking a serious look at the causes and solution of weight problems

This article is available for reprint in your ezine or website. No changes should be made, and all links left in tact. (c) 2004 All Rights Reserved

Article Source:

Cholesterol and Women : Debunking the myth

by: Moriah Shemer

Cholesterol is a waxy fat found in the human body and transported in the blood. About 80% of cholesterol in humans is made internally by the liver, while the other 20% comes from consumption of foods.

In the body, cholesterol combines with protein to create lipoproteins. These include high-density lipoproteins (HDL), considered “good” cholesterol, and low-density lipoproteins (LDL), considered “bad” cholesterol. High amounts of this bad cholesterol clog up the blood vessels, often leading to heart disease and stroke.

Just as affected

Many women believe that cholesterol is a man’s problem and should not be of great concern to them. However, according to the American Heart Association, more than 51 million women have high cholesterol. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in American women, killing more women than all cancers combined.

The myth may stem from fact that women generally possess high levels of high-density lipoproteins before menopause. As the healthy cholesterol, HDL carries excess low-density lipoproteins from the blood system to be excreted in the liver. The female sex hormone estrogen raises the HDL level, making heart disease less likely for premenopausal women. However, this advantage is lost as they reach menopause. Older women should consider themselves just as much at risk as men, especially if they are overweight and/or physically inactive.

Hormone replacement not a solution

The fact that estrogen increases HDL and lowers LDL led many to believe that hormone replacement therapy could be a viable anti-cholesterol tactic. However, in recent years this view has continuously been challenged. Studies such as the Estrogen Replacement and Atherosclerosis Trial and the Heart and Estrogen/progestin Replacement Study have shown that hormone replacement is less effective than statin drugs in improving cholesterol levels. Results also showed that there is no clear cardiac benefit and that in the first year, this treatment may in fact increase the chance of heart disease.

Hormone replacement therapy is not considered safe and has been additionally linked to cancer. As of now, there is absolutely no compelling reason to use it to fight cholesterol. Other remedies should be chosen.

Danger of heart attacks

Another element that goes unrecognized among some women is the deadliness of heart attacks. Many men have heart attacks earlier in life than women and recover, which may have led to the formation of this myth. However, statistics show that 38 percent of women are likely to die in the year following their first heart attack, compared to 25% of men. Women are also twice as likely to become disabled or suffer a second attack within six years.

Your cholesterol profile

A fourth myth lies behind the focus on lowering the harmful LDL, while little attention is paid to maintaining high levels of the helpful HDL. In fact, studies have shown that for women, low HDL levels are the biggest indicator of future problems with cholesterol. Many women with reasonable LDL levels have found themselves facing cholesterol-related conditions due to lack of HDL to clean the blood vessels. Women are generally encouraged to maintain an HDL level of 50 mg/dL.

It is also important to watch the level of triglycerides, another form of fat found in the body that can be just as detrimental as LDL. Triglycerides are particularly powerful in women and have frequently been overlooked. Women should make sure to follow their full blood fat profile, including the HDL and LDL levels, the ratio between the two and the triglyceride level.

It’s up to you

Today’s diagnostic tests for clogged vessels are less effective for women, since they look for large blockages. Women tend to have plaque spread more evenly along the vessel walls. They also often lack some of the traditional, more noticeable symptoms of clogged arteries, such as chest pain and difficulty breathing.

Preventive action is vital for those who want to stay healthy. Women must aggressively pursue information and testing. They must take care to avoid foods that are rich in saturated fats and trans fatty acids, and they must keep active. Half an hour of walking or swimming a day goes a long way.

Lifestyle factors are said to account for 80% of heart disease among women. Equipped with an understanding of the dangers of cholesterol and a proactive commitment to avoiding them, women should be well on their way to a healthier, longer life.

About The Author

Moriah Shemer works for Chris & Tal’s Better Foods, a food innovation company focused on crafting no compromise, guilt-free versions of your favorite foods. By combining lean meat with high-grade textured soy protein, our products deliver the best of both worlds. Visit us at

Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

Teori Kolesterol - Tragedi Kesehatan

Aku dapat email dari dokter bedah jantung terbuka yang pernah melakukan bedah jantung lebih dari 5000 pasien selama kurun waktu 25 tahun lebih. Dr.Dwight Lundell adalah Chief Staff of dan Chief Surgery di Banner Heart Hospital, Mesa, Arizona.

Inilah isi suratnya:

Sering kali selama tahun- tahun yang kulalui ,aku tercenung saat melihat pasien dimeja operasi, kenapa orang ini harus tergeletak di sini . Kolesterolnya dalam batas normal, tidak gembrot, tidak merokok. Tak ada tanda2 faktor resiko yang bisa dihubungkan dengan penyakit jantung. Selesai ku bedah, berdasarkan statistik, dia akan kembali dalam tempo 10 tahun untuk dibedah lagi walaupun kolesterolnya normal.

Saya sampaikan dengan sedih, berdasar fakta ilmiah, kolesterol tidak ada hubungannya dengan penyakit jantung. Teori kolesterol penyakit jantung ini dimulai tahun 1948 oleh Framingham Study , studi inilah yang menjadikan kolesterol adalah jahat, walaupun sebetulnya zat yang sangat penting bagi tubuh.

Teori kolesterol penyakit jantung ini didasari penelitian keliru yang kurang fakta ilmiah yang diteruskan hingga kini, yang telah menjadikan 25% populasi harus meminum obat statin. Andai statin jawabnya, kenapa penyakit jantung ini menjadi epidemi? Fakta ini saja sebetulnya bisa menyanggah validitas pengobatan dengan statin dan kebenaran teory kolesterol jantung.

Penjahatnya adalah pembengkakan, inflammation,dalam pembuluh darah. Pembengkakan inilah yang menjebak kolesterol sehingga dia tidak bisa mengalir dengan bebas keseluruh tubuh. Andainya inflamasi ini yang diobati, kolesterol akan mengalir dengan lancar, pembuluh jadi sehat, jantung anda akan berjuang menjadi sembuh. Benar sekali, anda bissa sembuhkan jantung anda. Anda punya power , saya hanyalah dokter yang akan membimbing.

Sangat ironis dengan menyalahkan kolesterol maka kita dianjurkan untuk makan makanan rendah lemak, tanpa lemak, hindari makan lemak jenuh. Inilah yang malah mengakibatkan inflamasi. Makan bergula, karbohidrat sederhana, makanan olahan pabrik yang mengandung Omega 6 inilah yang menjadikan pembuluh darah bengkak.

Tekadkan ya, pada kesembuhan jantung dan segala jenis inflamasi yang mungkin ada yang anda tak tahu. Ya, tentu anda punya inflamasi, seberapa besarnya bisa di test dengan C-Reactive protein yang sederhana. Sembuhkan inflamasi anda tanpa perlu obat maka anda akan melihat hasil hebat pada jantung anda dan kesehatan anda.

Dr.Dwight Lundell

Minggu, 15 Maret 2009


Diet rendah lemak, betul bohong tak ada hasilnya. Selama 8 tahun, 48,835 wanita diminta mengikuti diet rendah lemak. Biaya yang dikeluarkan $415 juta dolar dimulai tahun 1998 dan dibuka hasilnya Februari, 2006.Studi ini disponsori oleh Women Health Initiative.

Inilah hasilnya:

Kanker payudara : hasilnya tidak menunjukkan angka yang signifikan bahwa low fat diet mengurangi kanker payudara
Kanker Usus Besar : walaupun diet mereka telah diubah, tidak ada bukti intervensi ini bisa mengurangi kanker usus besar.
Penyakit jantung : LDL si kolesterol jelek, memang turun, tetapi pengurangan lemak menambah asupan sayur, buah buahan,atau karbo, selama 8,1 tahun ini tidak berhasil menurunkan resiko penyakit jantung dan stroke.

Walaupun mereka mengakui hasilnya tidak seperti yang mereka harapkan, mereka berkeras bahwa “kita tidak boleh meninggalkan healty diet yang sudah teruji ini” Ya benar “healty diet” ini sudah teruji hingga rak supermarket dipenuhi produk “rendah lemak” kalau ditinggalkan banyak yang rugi dong.

Low fat diet ternyata tidak mampu melindungi kita dari penyakit kronis.