Jumat, 20 Maret 2009
Low Fat Fallacy
I guess we all know that obesity is at epidemic levels. It's drummed into us from all angles. Isn't it strange that we have the biggest range of low-fat foods available but we keep getting fatter?
Isn't somebody going to stand up and say "It hasn't worked"?
In the 70's and 80's we were told that fat was the enemy, and carbohydrates were good. The USDA Healthy Food Pyramid had carbs as the base (6-11 servings per day). There was however, little mention of the quality of these carbohydrates.
Manufacturers were quick to respond, and began bringing out "Low Fat", "Fat-Free", and "Lite" versions of various food products. These are generally the biggest selling items, and have resulted in lot's of clever marketing tactics - in fact anything to make the consumer feel guilty, and look for the "Fat-Free" option.
Milk - Is Whole Milk Really That Bad?
Most of our modern milk undergoes the process of homogenisation. This process forces the fat globules into an atomiser (i.e. tiny holes) that will form tiny particles. These particles are then evenly dispersed throughout the milk, giving the milk a uniform appearance. Most of our low fat, trim, super-trim milks are created using this process.
However, recent research has shown that structural changes do occur in the homogenisation process. In unhomogenised milk, an enzyme called xanthine oxidase would pass throught the digestive system, and be secreted harmlessly through the bowel. The homogenisation process allows this enzyme to enter the bloodstream.
Some researchers are saying the enzyme attacks the issues of our heart and arteries, encouranging an increase in cholesterol levels!
Low Fat Hasn't Worked
The evidence of the last twenty years, is showing us that just choosing a low-fat version of a food is not helping us lose weight. In fact, we need to question, the processes that go on to make certain foods "low fat".
Many blame a high amount of refined carbohydrates (white flours, sugars) as having an impact on our weight problem.
Why Are We So Fat?
More and more evidence is showing that we eat too much, and exercise too little. Our lifestyles are very sedentary, and portion size has increased. The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) has concluded that "we eat a lot – a whole lot more than we used to, and most of the increase comes from refined carbohydrates (sugar)."
In the 1970's the average person ate 136 pounds of flour and cereal products per year and now it's up to 200 pounds. The increase is almost all from processed, white flour, high sugar foods. In addition, everything has been super-sized. Example: 1955 McDonald's French fries – 2.4 ounces, 210 calories. 2004 Super size Fries – 7 ounces, 610 calories.
What's The Answer?
Don't get too hung up complex nutrient ratios told to you by the latest diet book. You need to find what works for you and your body. It's a process of trial and error. Start with a diet, then keep working at it until you find what is best for you and your health.
Try to eat whole unprocessed food where possible, and eat little and often to regulate your energy levels. Go easy on all the refined foods - it's hard - because everywhere you go - most of the food is made from cheap refined flours and base products.
Also try to get out and stretch your legs more often.
http://www.freedieting.com is a resource for everything concerning losing weight. Independent reviews of popular diets, free diet plans, and articles taking a serious look at the causes and solution of weight problems
This article is available for reprint in your ezine or website. No changes should be made, and all links left in tact. (c) 2004 http://www.FreeDieting.com. All Rights Reserved
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Foster
Cholesterol and Women : Debunking the myth
Cholesterol is a waxy fat found in the human body and transported in the blood. About 80% of cholesterol in humans is made internally by the liver, while the other 20% comes from consumption of foods.
In the body, cholesterol combines with protein to create lipoproteins. These include high-density lipoproteins (HDL), considered “good” cholesterol, and low-density lipoproteins (LDL), considered “bad” cholesterol. High amounts of this bad cholesterol clog up the blood vessels, often leading to heart disease and stroke.
Just as affected
Many women believe that cholesterol is a man’s problem and should not be of great concern to them. However, according to the American Heart Association, more than 51 million women have high cholesterol. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in American women, killing more women than all cancers combined.
The myth may stem from fact that women generally possess high levels of high-density lipoproteins before menopause. As the healthy cholesterol, HDL carries excess low-density lipoproteins from the blood system to be excreted in the liver. The female sex hormone estrogen raises the HDL level, making heart disease less likely for premenopausal women. However, this advantage is lost as they reach menopause. Older women should consider themselves just as much at risk as men, especially if they are overweight and/or physically inactive.
Hormone replacement not a solution
The fact that estrogen increases HDL and lowers LDL led many to believe that hormone replacement therapy could be a viable anti-cholesterol tactic. However, in recent years this view has continuously been challenged. Studies such as the Estrogen Replacement and Atherosclerosis Trial and the Heart and Estrogen/progestin Replacement Study have shown that hormone replacement is less effective than statin drugs in improving cholesterol levels. Results also showed that there is no clear cardiac benefit and that in the first year, this treatment may in fact increase the chance of heart disease.
Hormone replacement therapy is not considered safe and has been additionally linked to cancer. As of now, there is absolutely no compelling reason to use it to fight cholesterol. Other remedies should be chosen.
Danger of heart attacks
Another element that goes unrecognized among some women is the deadliness of heart attacks. Many men have heart attacks earlier in life than women and recover, which may have led to the formation of this myth. However, statistics show that 38 percent of women are likely to die in the year following their first heart attack, compared to 25% of men. Women are also twice as likely to become disabled or suffer a second attack within six years.
Your cholesterol profile
A fourth myth lies behind the focus on lowering the harmful LDL, while little attention is paid to maintaining high levels of the helpful HDL. In fact, studies have shown that for women, low HDL levels are the biggest indicator of future problems with cholesterol. Many women with reasonable LDL levels have found themselves facing cholesterol-related conditions due to lack of HDL to clean the blood vessels. Women are generally encouraged to maintain an HDL level of 50 mg/dL.
It is also important to watch the level of triglycerides, another form of fat found in the body that can be just as detrimental as LDL. Triglycerides are particularly powerful in women and have frequently been overlooked. Women should make sure to follow their full blood fat profile, including the HDL and LDL levels, the ratio between the two and the triglyceride level.
It’s up to you
Today’s diagnostic tests for clogged vessels are less effective for women, since they look for large blockages. Women tend to have plaque spread more evenly along the vessel walls. They also often lack some of the traditional, more noticeable symptoms of clogged arteries, such as chest pain and difficulty breathing.
Preventive action is vital for those who want to stay healthy. Women must aggressively pursue information and testing. They must take care to avoid foods that are rich in saturated fats and trans fatty acids, and they must keep active. Half an hour of walking or swimming a day goes a long way.
Lifestyle factors are said to account for 80% of heart disease among women. Equipped with an understanding of the dangers of cholesterol and a proactive commitment to avoiding them, women should be well on their way to a healthier, longer life.
About The Author
Moriah Shemer works for Chris & Tal’s Better Foods, a food innovation company focused on crafting no compromise, guilt-free versions of your favorite foods. By combining lean meat with high-grade textured soy protein, our products deliver the best of both worlds. Visit us at http://www.betterfoods.ca.
Selasa, 17 Maret 2009
Teori Kolesterol - Tragedi Kesehatan
Inilah isi suratnya:
Sering kali selama tahun- tahun yang kulalui ,aku tercenung saat melihat pasien dimeja operasi, kenapa orang ini harus tergeletak di sini . Kolesterolnya dalam batas normal, tidak gembrot, tidak merokok. Tak ada tanda2 faktor resiko yang bisa dihubungkan dengan penyakit jantung. Selesai ku bedah, berdasarkan statistik, dia akan kembali dalam tempo 10 tahun untuk dibedah lagi walaupun kolesterolnya normal.
Saya sampaikan dengan sedih, berdasar fakta ilmiah, kolesterol tidak ada hubungannya dengan penyakit jantung. Teori kolesterol penyakit jantung ini dimulai tahun 1948 oleh Framingham Study , studi inilah yang menjadikan kolesterol adalah jahat, walaupun sebetulnya zat yang sangat penting bagi tubuh.
Teori kolesterol penyakit jantung ini didasari penelitian keliru yang kurang fakta ilmiah yang diteruskan hingga kini, yang telah menjadikan 25% populasi harus meminum obat statin. Andai statin jawabnya, kenapa penyakit jantung ini menjadi epidemi? Fakta ini saja sebetulnya bisa menyanggah validitas pengobatan dengan statin dan kebenaran teory kolesterol jantung.
Penjahatnya adalah pembengkakan, inflammation,dalam pembuluh darah. Pembengkakan inilah yang menjebak kolesterol sehingga dia tidak bisa mengalir dengan bebas keseluruh tubuh. Andainya inflamasi ini yang diobati, kolesterol akan mengalir dengan lancar, pembuluh jadi sehat, jantung anda akan berjuang menjadi sembuh. Benar sekali, anda bissa sembuhkan jantung anda. Anda punya power , saya hanyalah dokter yang akan membimbing.
Sangat ironis dengan menyalahkan kolesterol maka kita dianjurkan untuk makan makanan rendah lemak, tanpa lemak, hindari makan lemak jenuh. Inilah yang malah mengakibatkan inflamasi. Makan bergula, karbohidrat sederhana, makanan olahan pabrik yang mengandung Omega 6 inilah yang menjadikan pembuluh darah bengkak.
Tekadkan ya, pada kesembuhan jantung dan segala jenis inflamasi yang mungkin ada yang anda tak tahu. Ya, tentu anda punya inflamasi, seberapa besarnya bisa di test dengan C-Reactive protein yang sederhana. Sembuhkan inflamasi anda tanpa perlu obat maka anda akan melihat hasil hebat pada jantung anda dan kesehatan anda.
Dr.Dwight Lundell
Minggu, 15 Maret 2009
Inilah hasilnya:
Kanker payudara : hasilnya tidak menunjukkan angka yang signifikan bahwa low fat diet mengurangi kanker payudara
Kanker Usus Besar : walaupun diet mereka telah diubah, tidak ada bukti intervensi ini bisa mengurangi kanker usus besar.
Penyakit jantung : LDL si kolesterol jelek, memang turun, tetapi pengurangan lemak menambah asupan sayur, buah buahan,atau karbo, selama 8,1 tahun ini tidak berhasil menurunkan resiko penyakit jantung dan stroke.
Walaupun mereka mengakui hasilnya tidak seperti yang mereka harapkan, mereka berkeras bahwa “kita tidak boleh meninggalkan healty diet yang sudah teruji ini” Ya benar “healty diet” ini sudah teruji hingga rak supermarket dipenuhi produk “rendah lemak” kalau ditinggalkan banyak yang rugi dong.
Low fat diet ternyata tidak mampu melindungi kita dari penyakit kronis.
Temuan- temuan baru memaksa para peneliti untuk berpikir ulang tentang sebab penyakit jantung.
· Setengah dari pasien yang dirawat karena sakit jantung ternyata mempunyai tingkat LDL, atau “kolesterol jahat” yang normal.
· Merawat pembengkakan arteri dan menurunkan LDL pada pasien bisa mencegah kematian karena penyakit jantung
· Pertama :Tingkat LDL yang sekarang dianggap normal, mungkin terlalu tinggi.
· Kedua :Pembengkakan bisa memicu penyakit jantung dan stroke
Sumber: USA Today Researcdh, The American Heart Journal
Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009
Mitos kolesterol penyebab jantung dan stroke tergusur
- Studi ini melibatkan 18,000 sukarelawan dari 26 negara. Ridker bilang bahwa temuannya “Betul- betul akan merubah cara pandang kita dalam mencegah penyakit jantung dan stroke.”
Selama ini kita mengira bahwa penyebab penyakit jantung dan stroke adalah kolesterol. Kolesterol ini sedikit demi sedikit menempel pada dinding pembuluh darah, sedikit demi sedikit menyumbat pembuluh yang mensuplai darah ke jantung dan otak.
Namun bila berpegang pada teori kolesterol ini, kardiologis harus berhadapan dengan fakta bahwa separuh dari pasien jantung dan stroke ternyata mempunyai profil kolesterol yang rendah. Inilah yang menimbulkan pertanyaan. Faktor apa lagi yang harus diperiksa agar bisa mencegah penyakit yang menyebakan kematian terbesar di dunia ini.
“Masalahnya adalah ” kata Ridker, “bagaimana mengidentifikasi orang orang (yang berkolesterol rendah ) ini, tetapi ternyata berpenyakit jantung dan mencegah penyakit pada orang orang seperti ini”
Bukti bukti bermunculan bahwa pembengkakan (inflammation) inilah biangnya. Pembengkakan yang sebetulnya mekanisme tubuh dalam melawan infeksi dan luka, mungkin menjadi penyebab tumbuhnya plak, yang mempersempit pembuluh dan bila plak runtuh akan menjadi sumbatan arus darah.
Test darah yang dikenal dengan nama high sensivity C-reactive protein (HSCRP) test bisa mendeteksi terjadinya pembengkakan dalam pembuluh darah.
Banyak pakar menyambut gembira temuan ini. Mereka berpendapat ini adalah “Terobosan” atau “Perobahan paradigma” Karena studi ini mengatakan bahwa inflamasi lah bukannya kolesterol sebagai penyebab penyakit jantung.
Namun sebetulnya banyak pakar yang tak pernah percaya dengan teori kolesterol penyebab jantung dan stroke. Sebut saja Nina Planck atau Sally Fallon ataupun grup Weston Price. Mereka berpendapat inflamasi sebagai penyebab penyakit jantung. Inflamasi ini disebabkan kita makan makanan industri yang kaya akan omega-6 , asam lemak berasal dari minyak jagung dan kedelai contohnya.
Yang perlu dicatat adalah pertemuan ini dilakukan oleh American Heart Association sebagai gudang pakar penyakit jantung dan tempat ahli jantung mencari referensi.
Disarikan dari The Washington Post dan sumber lain.
Tanggal 10 November 2008